The Clark County Farmerette welcomes you to her fifth growing season in Brush Prarie, Washington! Over the years I have fine tuned what is popular with the folks that I grow for and refine it every season yet still offer the diversity of introducing new veggie varieties to keep it real.
This month on the farm the garlic that was planted back in October is sprouting up oh so nicely. It has been quite wet out still to do any type of earth moving and looking forward to a few sunny weeks to get out there for prepping sake. The previous fall's crops that were not meant to make it through the winter have decomposed nicely into the soil to encourage those microorganisms and nutrients to give back to the medium in which they once thrived above ground. So things are happening in that soil albeit it doesn't look like much right now, plant life still goes on.
The recent skyrocketing of produce prices is a stark reminder of what can happen when the world relies on outside, out of country and/or distant farms to meet their basic human need of food! More than that, seasonal items that a CSA farm can offer to help you understand and eat within your means with what is around you. I pulled an article off the internet-
Hope you find it just as interesting as I have. A lot to be learned from this yet another scare in our global food security issues.
Clark County Farmerette
Happy Trails...
13 years ago